Typing in Syllabic Languages

Alphabetic languages such as English and French are easy to type, because their character set is limited. The international keyboard is set to conveniently accommodate the 26 letters of English language. The same is not true with the Asian syllabic languages such as Sinhala, Tamil, and Hindi. Their character set is not limited to the basic alphabet. Their collection of letters, diacritics, prefixes, suffixes, and ligature run into hundreds of different phonetic units or assemblies. In spite of the advancement of technology, people still tend to transliterate their writings in English, to escape the burden of finding the required characters in the haystack.

Type with the Numeric Keypad

With our innovative typing scheme, the A-Z alphabetic keys are used for typing all the syllabic character combinations with the help of the numeric keypad, which has always been sidelined. You don't have to remember much, as a guide on the screen shows the dynamic mapping as you type on. Even without a numeric keypad, you can type with its representation on the screen.

'Z' is the 'Key'

The prefixes and suffixes to the letters are typed with the key Z.

Typing Z: Sinhala

Typing Z: Tamil

Typing Z: Devanagari

Liyana Mahaththaya Microsoft Office Add-In

All Liyana Mahaththaya software is free.

Liyana Mahaththaya Office Add-In Version 2.0 has been released with the capability of of typing in Sinhala, Tamil, and Devanagari script on Word, Excel, PowerPint, and Outlook.

Note that we have discontinued Liyana Mahaththaya and Devanagari Writer Word Add-Ins.

This is a simpler, lighter integration of Liyana Mahaththaya typing capability into the four most popular applications in the Office suite.

After the initial installation, you can install customization for the applications that you prefer, using the icons placed on the Desktop.

This is how the Ribbons look like after the customization:

The Add-Ins for Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint have a copy-and-paste integration, whereas the Word add-in allows you to type directly on the document.



Liyana Mahaththaya Metro and Phone Apps

Liyana Mahaththaya Unicode typing scheme for sinhala, tamil, and Devanagari script is available in the form of a Windows 8/8.1/10 Metro App and a Windows Phone 8.1/10 App.

With Version 2, the last selected font size is remembered, and some extra Sinhala letters have been added.

Liyana Mahaththaya Non-Unicode (V2.0)

This is a Windows Desktop application for typing in Sinhala and Tamil using non-Unicode fonts. You can save the documents in Rich Text Format (rtf).

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